Experiences working with TYG…

  • Learn how to trust YOUR gut with Casey!

    Trust Your Gut Nutrition truly helped me get my routine of life back. I was in a terrible cycle without realizing it- fueling my body with toxins and poor nutrition, leading to no sustainable energy and constant Crohn’s flare ups.

    Not only do I feel better after taking Casey’s advice, but I have also noticed improved cognition, higher energy function, increased libido, and overall reduced inflammation throughout my body.

    Trust Your Gut opened my eyes. Thank you for everything, rather than feeling like I am in a downward spiral, I now feel as though I am in an upswing of positive change!

    Tyler @scarsoldier

  • Once I implemented the regimen that Casey had suggested I noticed a decrease in inflammation within just one week.

    I had been experiencing inflammation in my colon and stomach for about a year before I spoke with Casey at Trust Your Gut Nutrition.

    The initial interview was a series of questions regarding my diet and lifestyle. Casey did an excellent job of making me feel comfortable during this process. She answered all of the questions that I had and was gentle with her feedback.

    I was given a report that included foods to avoid, foods to add into my diet, and the importance of self care. She recommended supplements that were affordable and easy to acquire.

    Once I implemented the regimen that Casey had suggested I noticed a decrease in inflammation within just one week.

    After working with Casey I understand the importance of treating my inflammation issues holistically. Not only was my diet causing inflammation, but I learned how much my stress was impacting my flare up as well. This helped me realize how important it is to be mindful of how I am feeling physically as well as emotionally.

    Thank you Trust Your Gut!

    Jess Langley Buffalo, NY

  • She has given me the knowledge to understand my body...

    Casey’s passion for whole body health, and her love & care for her clients’ well-being is incredible. She has given me the knowledge to understand my body and empowered me to make the changes I needed to take control of my health. I cannot thank her enough for all she has done to help me change my life.
