Crohn’s & Colitis Breakdown
What is Crohn’s, Colitis and Inflammatory Bowel Disease?
Crohn’s disease exists in the small intestine while Ulcerative Colitis exists in the colon.
Autoimmune means the immune system is attacking itself on over-drive because it was triggered by a threat and it continues to respond instead of self-regulate.
Inflammation is the immune systems natural response to heal that threat, but chronic inflammation becomes more damaging to the tissue.
What are common symptoms of IBD?
Blood in stool
Bowel obstructions
Nausea & vomiting
in abdomen
in joints
in rectum
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Ulcers & inflammation flares
Let’s talk about psychological affects of Crohn’s & Colitis
Anxiety & Depression
This is something that not discussed enough in my opinion when it comes to symptoms and affects. People with these conditions often experience…
stress, frustration, scared, lost, angry, hopeless, isolation, guilt, shame, self-conscious, memory loss, brain fog, loss of sleep
… and this is just to name a few off the top of my head. The list continues as everyone experiences this differently within their mind, body, and emotions.
How can you support someone with IBD?
Ask them what they need instead of how they are feeling
Choose public places where they can eat & use the restroom
Listen, don’t compare or try to relate
Don’t shame them for canceling plans
Ask them how you can be supportive
Visit them and do things that make them feel involved and normal
Do your research about what they are going through
Encourage them to be strong, but also encourage the validation of their emotions
Need an IBD friend?
Yes, I am here as a resource for your nutrition aid and holistic health, but I’m also here as your friend, your ally, your community, someone who understands. Feel free to reach out and lean on me for whatever you need. Share your story, vent to me, ask me for the support you need. Reaching out to someone that understands on those bad days- that is everything.
-All my love to your guts