Acupuncture & Energetic Self-Care
Have you taken care of your energetic self lately? Are you thinking- “Casey, what does that even mean?!” Truth is, it means a lot. Let’s dive into why that is…
Today I visited my local community acupuncture center for the first time in a long time. Like most do, I showed up with the intention to “fix” the physical symptoms I had been experiencing. As I lay there with needles all over me, tears started to stream down my face. Tears I didn’t know were there. In that moment I realized that although I had been taking care of my mental and physical health, I had been neglecting my energetic health. These needles had opened up energetic channels that I had not accessed in a long time. The response being… emotional release.
With these symptoms I was having my body was telling me that it didn’t have a proper outlet. That it was storing emotions and experiences that it needed to release. Being “mindful” and “aware” was not enough. THIS is why I preach HOLISTIC care.
Along with the aid of pain, inflammation, stress, regulation and the long list of what acupuncture can do for you- what often gets missed is it’s impact on the energetic self.
Practitioners practice more than 2,000 points of the body that are connected to pathways or meridians (or chakras). These pathways create an energy flow, or a Qi. Disruption or a block of that energy flow can cause disruption to the physical body. This energetic circulation is working alongside the needle’s stimulation of nerves, muscles and connective tissue in order for the holistic body to receive a collective response.
These results are why I suggest acupuncture to anyone. Like anything else, it should be an on-going process to get you to where you want to go, but I walk out a new person every time.
If you have more questions about the practice of acupuncture or want more help researching the right fit for you, please reach out.